All my publications are legally available on HAL open archive (IdHal: ameline-vallet). Supervized PhD or master students are underlined.
On-going work (articles under review)
Mikou M., A. Vallet, C. Guivarch. High-resolution income projections over the 21st century in Europe consistent with the SSP. Under review in Environmental Research Letters.
Lejemtel L., A. Vallet, F. Chiron, H. Levrel, S. Lavorel. Exploring Environmental Justice and Nexus Approaches in Paris Urban Nature Policies. Under review in Journal of Environmental Management.
Colloff M.J., Gorddard R., Múnera Roldan C., Locatelli B., Lavorel S., Allain S., Bruley E., Butler J., Dubo T., Enokenwa Baa O., González-García A., Lecuyer L., Lo M., Loos J., Palomo I., Topp E., Vallet A., Walters G. Changing the decision context to enable social learning for climate adaptation. Under review in People and Nature.
Gonon M., A. Vallet, V. Deschamps, A. Oosterlinck, H. Soubelet, L. Dupuis, H. Levrel. Building a multidimensional Biodiversity Harmful Subsidies indicator to support transition policies: the case of France. Under review in Ecological Economics.
Elleaume N., B. Locatelli, D. Makowski, A. Vallet, J. Poulenard, J. Oszwald, S. Lavorel. Uncertainties in future erosion under land-use and climate change in the Alps. Under review in Ecological Modelling.
Peer-reviewed articles
Mikou M., A. Vallet, C. Guivarch, D. Makowski. High-resolution Downscaling of Disposable Income in Europe using Open-source Data. Accepted in Earth's Future. NEW!!!
Dade M., A. Bonn, F. Eigenbrod, M. Felipe Lucia, B. Fisher, B. Goldstein, R. Holland, K. Hopping, S. Lavorel, Y. le Polain de Waroux, G. Macdonald, L. Mandle, J.P. Metzger, U. Pascual, J. Rieb, A. Vallet, G. Wells, C. Ziter, E. Bennett, B. Robinson. Landscapes as a lens for assessing sustainability. Accepted in Landscape Ecology. NEW!!!
González-García A., I. Palomo, A. Codemo, M. Rodeghiero, T. Dubo, A. Vallet, S. Lavorel. Co-benefits of nature-based solutions exceed the costs of implementation. Accepted in Cell Reports Sustainability. NEW!!!
Vallet A., S. Dupuy, M. Verlynde, R. Gaetano. 2024. Generating high-resolution land use and land cover maps for the greater Mariño watershed in 2019 with machine learning. Nature Scientific Data 11(1), 915 | Publisher website
Mikou M., A. Vallet, C. Guivarch. 2024. Harmonized disposable income dataset for Europe at subnational level. Nature Scientific Data 11(1), 308 | Publisher website
Vallet A., B. Locatelli, M. Valdivia-Díaz, Y. Quispe Conde, G. Matencio Garcia, A. Ramos Criales, F. Valverde Huamanñahui, S. Ramos Criales, D. Makowski, S. Lavorel. 2023. Knowledge coproduction to improve assessments of nature’s contributions to people. Conservation biology. e14182. | Publisher website
Locatelli, B., M. Laurenceau, Y. R. Calla Chumpisuca, E. Pramova , A. Vallet, Y. Quispe Conde, R. Cervantes Zavala, H. Djoudi, S. Lavorel, M. J. Colloff. 2022. In people’s minds and on the ground : Values and power in climate change adaptation. Environmental Science & Policy 137:75‑86. | Publisher website
Quispe Conde, Y., B. Locatelli, A. Vallet, R. Blas Sevillano. 2022. Agroecología para la seguridad alimentaria y frente al cambio climático en Perú. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales 22, 5–29 | Publisher website | Document
Pramova, E., B. Locatelli, M. Valdivia-Díaz, A. Vallet, Y. Quispe Conde, H. Djoudi, M.J. Colloff, F. Bousquet, J. Tassin, C. Munera Roldan. 2021. Sensing, feeling, thinking: Relating to nature with the body, heart and mind. People and Nature 2021;00:1–14 | Publisher website | Document
Grosinger, J., A. Vallet, I. Palomo, N. Buclet and S. Lavorel. 2021. Collective capabilities shape the co-production of nature’s contributions to people in the alpine agricultural system of the Maurienne valley, France. Regional Environmental Change 21(4): 117 | Publisher website | Document
Locatelli, B., A. Vallet, J. Tassin, D. Gautier, A. Chamaret and P. Sist. 2021. Collective and individual interdisciplinarity in a sustainability research group: A social network analysis. Sustainability Science 16:37-52 | Publisher website | Document
Vallet, A., B. Locatelli, C. Barnaud, D. Makowski, Y. Quispe Conde and H. Levrel. 2020. Power asymmetries in social networks of ecosystem services governance. Environmental Science and Policy 114: 329-340 | Publisher website | Document
Hackenburg, D.M., A. Adams, K. Brownson, I.T. Borokini, T.M. Gladkikh, S.C. Herd-Hoare, H. Jolly, A.N. Kadykalo, E.B. Kraus, K.R. McDonough, J.W. Morse, S.S. Sandhu, N. Tugjamba, A. Vallet. 2019. Meaningfully Engaging the next Generation of Ecosystem Services Specialists. Ecosystem Services 40 | Publisher website | Document
Vallet, A., B. Locatelli, H. Levrel, N. Dendoncker, C. Barnaud, and Y. Quispe Conde. 2019. Linking equity, power, and stakeholders’ roles in relation to ecosystem services. Ecology and Society 24(2) | Publisher website | Document
Vallet, A., B. Locatelli, H. Levrel, S. Wunder, R. Seppelt, R. J. Scholes, and J. Oszwald. 2018. Relationships between ecosystem services: Comparing methods for assessing tradeoffs and synergies. Ecological Economics 150:96–106 | Publisher website | Document
Balvanera, P., R. Calderón-Contreras, A. J. Castro, M. R. Felipe-Lucia, I. R. Geijzendorffer, S. Jacobs, B. Martín-López, U. Arbieu, C. I. Speranza, B. Locatelli, N. P. Harguindeguy, I. R. Mercado, M. J. Spierenburg, A. Vallet, L. Lynes, and L. Gillson. 2017. Interconnected place-based social–ecological research can inform global sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 29:1–7 | Publisher website | Document
Vallet, A., B. Locatelli, H. Levrel, C. B. Pérez, P. Imbach, N. E. Carmona, R. Manlay, and J. Oszwald. 2016. Dynamics of Ecosystem Services during Forest Transitions in Reventazón, Costa Rica. PLOS ONE 11(7):e0158615 | Publisher website | Document
Book chapters
Masson-Delmotte, V., A. Vallet, S. Szopa and J.-M. Lourtioz. 2021. Chapitre 12 - Aller vers une transition écologique juste. Pages 353-372 in Lourtioz, J.-M., J. Lecomte, S. Szopa, editor. Enjeux de la transition écologique. EDP Sciences | Document NEW!!!
Lecomte, J., P.-H. Gouyon, N. Delpierre, C. Larrère and A. Vallet. 2021. Chapitre 4 - Les différentes facettes de la biodiversité. Pages 111-132 in Lourtioz, J.-M., J. Lecomte, S. Szopa, editor. Enjeux de la transition écologique. EDP Sciences | Document NEW!!!
Locatelli, B., A. Vallet, G. Fedele, and B. Rapidel. 2017. Analyzing ecosystem services to manage territories. Pages 108–113 in P. V. Caron P. Valette E. ,. Wassenaar T. ,. Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge G., editor. Living territories to transform the world. Quae | Document
Locatelli, B., A. Vallet, G. Fedele, and B. Rapidel. 2017. Analyser des services écosystémiques pour gérer des territoires. Pages 108–113 in P. V. Caron P. Valette E. ,. Wassenaar T. ,. Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge G., editor. Des territoires vivants pour transformer le monde. Quae | Document
Policy briefs
Vallet A. , B. Locatelli, E. Pramova. 2020. Ecosystem services and social equity: Who controls, who benefits and who loses? Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) | Document
Vallet A. , B. Locatelli, E. Pramova. 2020. Servicios ecosistémicos y equidad social: ¿quién controla, quién se beneficia y quién pierde? Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) | Document
1er Foro de Colectivos Juveniles. Avances y desafíos hacia la resiliencia urbana y rural en la microcuenca Mariño "Todos somos agua". Organizado en Noviembre 2021 por el proyecto “Agua para Abancay y las comunidades".
Webinar de presentación de resultados de las investigaciones del Centro para la Investigación Forestal Internacional (CIFOR) en la Microcuenca del río Mariño. Organizado en Junio 2021 por el proyecto “Agua para Abancay y las comunidades".
Conférence-débat sur une transition écologique juste. Organisé en décembre 2020 dans le cadre du SPOC « Enjeux de la transition écologique » de l’Université Paris-Saclay.