Equity & ES
The aim of this research line is to analyze the different forms of inequities that affect the governance of ecosystem services (distributive, participatory and recognition inequities), as well as the good ecological status of ecosystems and biodiversity. I am currently conducting research activities in Peru (in the Mariño watershed) and in France (City of Paris and Maurienne valley), with Sandra Lavorel. The objective I pursue with this research line are the following:
Develop new approaches and frameworks for the analysis of environmental justice relevant to ecosystem service governance.
Understand what are the the underlying socio-economic, institutional and ecological mechanisms responsible for environmenal inequities.
Highlight the existence of different forms of ower asymmetries and how they affect ecosystem servcies governance.
I am supervising two PhD students on these questions: Lisa Lejemtel and Zoé Pelta. In the past, I have also supervized the work of Jade Houssay (M1 intern), Marie Hays (M2 intern), Lisa Lejemtel (M1 intern), Victor Bourdeaud'Hui (M2 intern), Andrea Vera (M2 intern).
Recent research articles published on equity and environmental justice:
Linking equity, power, and stakeholders’ roles in relation to ecosystem services
Vallet, A., B. Locatelli, H. Levrel, N. Dendoncker, C. Barnaud, and Y. Quispe Conde. 2019. Ecology and Society
In people’s minds and on the ground : Values and power in climate change adaptation
Locatelli, B., M. Laurenceau, Y. R. Calla Chumpisuca, E. Pramova , A. Vallet, Y. Quispe Conde, R. Cervantes Zavala, H. Djoudi, S. Lavorel, M. J. Colloff. 2022. Environmental Science & Policy
Power asymmetries in social networks of ecosystem services governance
Vallet, A., B. Locatelli, C. Barnaud, D. Makowski, Y. Quispe Conde and H. Levrel. 2020. Environmental Science and Policy